Kashi NEXT Generation is now ONLINE!

What is KNGN online used for?

KNGN Online is our website for whatever we see fit. Right now the website is built as a blog, so the plan is to use it as a place to discuss projects, post ideas and stay involved. But who knows where it will go?? Hopefully the site will grow possibly into a place to share pictures, or talk to one another (like Facebook) or maybe at some point we'll even enable e-commerce on the site.

All pages have comments enable so please tell us what's on your mind!

Business Development

Business Creation Group                     
KNGN 12-26-09 Meeting -
Tara, Tony, Priya, Ned, Soo Se, Ramesh
  1. Do we all want to get in on a venture, invest our own capital funds?
  1. Do we want to build something here in Florida and create jobs for members of our group?
Business Ideas:
  1. Land—a lot of people have interest.
  1. Yoga—need to capitalize on what Kashi has in place already. A large majority of our group is interested and participates in yoga in some way.
    1. Yoga clothing: KNG ownership
      1. Keep style mainstream
      2. Anyone of use can sell it anywhere in the world
  1. Retreat Center—plenty of opportunity. Need wealthy business partner, preferably once which same experience.
  1. Radio Station—bring in people for interviews, music, Kashi activities, kids hour
    1. Ramesh interested in running it
    2. Purpose to raise awareness, keep it interfaith and generate an income
    3. Need $5-10,000 to start and operate
  1. Tapas Restaurant—Ned has business plan already
    1. Access to property on US 1 in Wabasso
    2. Enough room for restaurant and land to grow food and well as space for possible other activities
    3. Need $500k to get running
  1. Ma’s India
    1. Can we participate?
    2. Can it grow larger?
    3. Can we invest in it and share in the profits?

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