What is a mission statement?
A mission statement is a simple message that identifies and unifies us as a group with a purpose.
Who are we? other than spiritual superheros?
At the core, we are the youth and young adults who have grown up at Kashi as well as our extended family and friends.
What unifies Us as a group? other than being able to count to ten in Korean?
All of us have a vested interest in the future and future direction of Kashi as it includes Ma's legacy as spiritual teacher and Guru, continuing the message of service and care for eachother and all, and the sustainability of Kashi as a community.
* Certainly growing up together as family with Ma is a strong unifying factor, but
this is not the primary reason why we are now coming together as KNGN.
What is our Purpose?
To help plan and facilitate the future of Kashi. To continue to strengthen our network of community and family. To create our own safe and welcoming community within Kashi. To increase self fullfilment and act on a universal humanitarian mission. To be youth in action.
Working Logo and Mission Statement
Some more notes and verbiage from our meetings
- to be a voice in the future of Kashi
- The legacy of Kashi and Community
- to be a support community for like minded people
- to Educate people about Kashi
- to remove the local Kashi stigma
- to be a support community for ourselves
- to make kashi sustainable both fiscally and in purpose
- The desire to keep Kashi as a community after Ma and the founding members are gone.
- Youth in Action
- Universal Humanitarianism
- Self fulfillment
- Define the relationship with kashi as we
- Focus on community
- Educate others about
- Integrate with others
- Mutual respect and non judgment desire to continue fostering a sense of community
Organized action network committed to service and compassion to ourselves, our community, and the broader world.
Other scripting and iterations of the statement:
Universal humanitarian action network, committed to ourselves, our comunity, and the broader world.
Committed to service and compasion to ourselves, our comunity, and the broader world.
Fostering an increasing sense of community, committed to supporting eachother and reaching out to like minded individuals.
Thanks to all the contributers: Radhe Schiff, Dhumavati, Luke Madhava, Shiva Kali, Laksman Frank, Jewel Lotus, Hanuman Joyce, Bhagavati and Ganga Devi Braun, Peter Turner and Jaya Frank
I was thinking maybe KNK would be better: Kashi Networking Kids. You wouldn't say it as an acronym you would say it like the word KINK. just an idea maybe to get things flowing...
Or it could even be Kids Networking Kids: KNK
J, i don't think we want to limit who we are just to "Kids". How do people feel about shortening what we have to just say "Kashi Next", or "kNext".
i don't know, kNext sort of reminds me of K Fed, as in Kevin Federline :)
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