Kashi NEXT Generation is now ONLINE!

What is KNGN online used for?

KNGN Online is our website for whatever we see fit. Right now the website is built as a blog, so the plan is to use it as a place to discuss projects, post ideas and stay involved. But who knows where it will go?? Hopefully the site will grow possibly into a place to share pictures, or talk to one another (like Facebook) or maybe at some point we'll even enable e-commerce on the site.

All pages have comments enable so please tell us what's on your mind!

Nursery and School

KNGN School Committee Submitted by Shaivite 1-22-10

We left KNGN meeting 12/26/2009 having concluded that a school has traditionally been a part of Kashi and would be a natural fit for the future.

We acknowledged that though an attempt at seeking to build a charter school had been met with disappointment, there was a window of opportunity for pursuing the construction of a school at Kashi.

Our discussion was newly being shaped when it was time to adjourn; we left with the goal of meeting again in the following week to continue our conversation about:
  • charter versus private school
  • identifying our student population
  • pinpointing specifically what Kashi had to offer that would set us apart 
To this end, we would expand our school discussion to include past and present educators, Kashi board members, and additional KNGN members.

Second school subcommittee meeting: the following weekend was well attended including Sw. Ramayana, Kashi Ma, and Matagiri who all shared their expertise and experience as educators.
  • It was concluded that pursuing a charter school would put limitations on the schools potential and with regard to local opposition, would not be worth the effort.  
  • Much of the discussion focused on expenses. 
  • Sw. Durga Das made a convincing case that a private school could be funded through the combination of tuition and grants.
  • Was agreed that a preschool would provide a foundation on which to grow, was the most financially viable as far as startup costs and income potential, and would meet the needs of KNGN members seeking to build a school at Kashi that their children could attend.
We were made aware that the River School and River Preschool had an established reputation in the community on which we could build. In addition to academic success, trust was an integral part of this legacy.
  1. Having a committed director in which parents could put their trust would be necessary for the schools success, e.g. Yashoda Ma and the River Preschool.
  2. Annapurna was acknowledged for already having a circle of parents and good name through Mommy and Me and previous work as an educator.
  3. Bhagavati Braun, studying education at Smith College, was a standout and inspiration expressing interest and a commitment to building something “from the ground up.”
Community, health, and service were identified as parts of Kashi that would set our school apart from other schools.


Market research would help us hone specific details including a better understanding of our potential student body. Sw. Ramayana offered to help design a survey. We asked those in attendance to research schools in their area with qualities that appealed to them, specifically looking at how these schools addressed community, health, and service, in addition to gathering data on tuition, enrollment, type of school, mission, etc.

Action Steps:

1. Bhagavati volunteered to set up an online school group where we could communicate and follow up.
2. Sw. Durga Das planned to meet with Sw. Ramayana and Bhagavati to take a tour of Kashi and discuss research and resources.
3. Jaya Ma, Sita, Annapurna, Shaivite, and any others with interest were to research specialty schools in their area and provide feedback.

1 comment:

Tara said...

Namaste all,
It's seems like awhile since we've been in communication. It's Fall, holidays approaching, hope everyone is well and will be able to come home for a visit this year.

Update on happenings: thru the tremendous efforts of Swami Duyrga Das & Bhagavati Braun, with continued support from interested KNG parents, The River School will open again!

DD has been number crunching and planning to use the old music room at Kashi. Bhagavti has written a beautiful programming plan. The current goal is to start January 2011 in the main room at the old red school house (has been Land Development for many years). Space will be cleared and renovated and start small, maybe a few days a week. Feel and develop the market until we can fund-raise and plan bigger.

We would like to use part of the money we collected at last year's meeting to support this which will be about $150. Our Domenic Maruti has made a generous contribution of $800 and we had another contribution from our group for $500. This is an incredible start. Thank you everyone.

If you are interested in more details please let me know. There is a lot to share but just wanted to get the word out there

Much love,

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